About Us
Alvoré create events for like-minds to meet to connect on a deeper level, allowing you to open the heart, expand awareness, and express your authentic self.
Connecting with others through group and partnered exercises, incorporating tantra, authentic relating skills, movement, yoga, and dance, all within a safe, fun and supportive environment.
The events can be an antidote and detox from speed dating and dating apps/sites. When you connect on a deeper level it’s easier to tune to another person’s energy, bypassing filtered judgements to create genuine synergy.
What are people saying about this event?
"I really enjoyed the session and floated off into the night with a big smile in my heart from having made so many lovely connections. Thanks for organizing!"
"Deep gratitude! I felt my heart opening and a strong connection with everyone…"
“An awesome way to step outside your comfort zone, and meet people in a different way, and the eye gazing exercise at the end was fascinating!”
“That was exactly what I needed, the love, good vibe and energy stayed with me. It was a lovely bunch of people…”
"Thanks so much for last night, you have a great gift in being able to hold a safe space."
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